To see a great video tribute and remember (or learn a little) about JP Griffon click the "JP Video Tribute" link at the top of the page. Thanks to Scott Jeffress for his talents on this video production!
WHERE: Port Mansfield, Texas
WHEN: Mixer/Shrimp Boil - Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Captain’s Meeting - Thursday, May 16, 2024
Tournament Fishing- Fri & Sat, May 17 & 18, 2024
Banquet, Awards and Fundraiser Saturday Night, May 18, 2024
Leave - Sunday, May 19, 2024
Every angler will receive a tournament cap and a 37th Annual Tournament tee shirt, with a pre-tournament meal prepared by Stefano's Restaurant (with shrimp provided by NIck Gaido of Nick’s Kitchen & Beach Bar), and the Saturday night post-tournament Banquet and Awards Ceremony.
Please note the following RULE CHANGES for this years tournament:
1) We have UPDATED BAG LIMITS for this years tournament based on the recommendations from TPW bag and length limits.
2) We will continue with our new TIME OF WEIGH IN, from 3pm - 4pm. At least one team member must be in line with the team's fish by 4:00pm.
3) We will continue with our new LOCATION OF WEIGH IN. We are no longer allowed to bring fish in the pavilion. The weigh in station has been moved outside, to the south side of the pavilion. Boats can still park at the pavilion and anglers can enter the weigh in line from the dock or the parking lot. Please follow the posted signs for directions at weigh in and do not carry your fish through the pavilion. Please go around the kitchen!
Please take the time to review the Official Tournament Rules and the Guided Division Supplemental Rules. Conservation is a goal of our Tournament and our daily tournament stringers are going above and beyond what is being asked by TPWD. Anglers are encouraged to release all fish not required for their daily competition stringer.
Fisherman may enter the Guided Division (artificial lures only *see rules for exception), or the Hardware Division (no guides with artificial lures only).
*****Attention All Anglers*****
The tournament fishing hours are
6:15 am - 3:00 pm Friday and Saturday
The Weigh Station is open from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm each day.
!! At least one team member must be in line with the team's fish by 4:00 pm !!
Don’t be late to the weigh-in!
Fisherman are reminded that no one may leave their boat until 6:15am for everyone's safety. This applies to all Divisions regarding when anglers may enter the water to wade in the morning.
Please check the revised Official Tournament Rules and the Guided Division Rules Supplement.
The J.P. Griffon Memorial Fishing Tournament wishes to thank our tournament sponsors. Their continued support and contributions make this event better each year. Please support these area businesses as they help support your tournament.
This tournament ended on
In the event of severe thunderstorm warnings or dangerous weather conditions prior to the start of the tournament, the day’s fishing will be delayed or postponed. Tournament directors will fly red flags at the Port Mansfield Pavilion. When the flags are lowered, the tournament will resume. If inclement weather conditions occur during the tournament, it is the entrant’s responsibility to seek safety until safe conditions prevail.
Boat captains, please remember to wear your Kill Switch whenever the boat is underway!
Just click on the map and scroll around. You can pan (click and drag), zoom (mouse thumbwheel), and add the Google Earth image by clicking the Satellite box in the lower left corner. Click the menu icon to snap straight to the selected Boundary.